Chief Accountant

Date: 05/02/2024
Place of work: Astana,Kazakhstan

Job Title:

Chief Accountant


PIR  202200080



Job Location:


Job type/Contract:

Permanent/Definite Period 

Salary range:




Job summary /Role description

He/she ensures accounting management of operations in commercial pipelines related projects.



Duties and responsibilities

  • Arranging activities on the company registration and accounting record-keeping in order to provide internal and external users concerned with the complete and adequate information on its financing and operating activities and its financial status.

  • Creating an accounting policy in accordance with accounting law based on specific conditions of business environment, structure, size, industry classification and other features of organization activities, enabling timely information for planning, analysis, monitoring, financial rating and results of organization activities.

  • Managing activities on: preparation and approval of chart of accounts for bookkeeping containing control and analytical accounts, forms of primary accounting documents used for business transactions execution, forms of internal accounting reporting; ensuring inventory and assets valuation procedure and liabilities, documentary confirmation of their availability, status and evaluation; internal control system services on accuracy of business transactions execution, compliance with document flow practice,  methods of processing of accounting information and its unauthorized access protection.

  • Arranging activities on maintenance of ledger based on application of up-to-date information technologies, advanced forms and methods of accounting and control, budget expenditure report, property accounting, liabilities, fixed assets, inventories, cash, financial, payment and credit transactions, operational and distribution costs, product sales, execution of works (services), financial performance of the organization.

  • Providing all the tax calculations and declaration (VAT, CIT, etc.) timely and accurately.

  • Interact with Tax authorities for any tax concerning matters.

  • Ensuring timely and accurate recognition of business transactions, asset flow, income and expenditure generation in bookkeeping accounts.

  • Providing monitoring of compliance with primary accounting documents execution procedure.

  • Providing: timely transfer of taxes and levies to the federal, regional and local budgets, insurance premiums to the state extra-budgetary social funds.

  • Arranging stocktaking, accounting procedure, reporting and documentary audit in subdivisions of organization.

  • Participating in financial analysis and tax policy development on the basis of accounting figures, internal auditing; preparing proposals aimed at improving the financial performance of the organization, elimination of losses and unproductive expenditures.

  • Arranging activities on ensuring compliance with financial and cash discipline, cost estimates, validity of writing-off of shortages, receivables and other losses.

  • Participating in preparation of documents relating to shortages, the illegal cash and material assets expenditures, supervising the referral of these materials to the investigative and judicial authorities, where necessary.

  • Providing a report generation on cash budget execution and cost estimates, preparing of necessary accounting and statistical reporting, submitting them to the appropriate authorities in the prescribed manner.

  • Ensuring the safety of accounting documents and depositing them in the archives in the prescribed manner.

  • Rendering methodological assistance for divisional managers and other employees on accounting, control, reporting and business analysis issues.

  • Supervising the accounting staff, arranging their skill improvement.

Person Specification

Knowledge & Qualifications

  • Bachelors or Masters in specialty – Accounting
  • Any relevant international qualifications that align with the business's requirements will be considered as an additional qualification for this position.


Skills and Abilities

Special Requirements and Comments